
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

My Years of Tested Medical Marvels for The Readers of Ubqari

Ubqari Magazine - January 2016

Respected hakeem sahib, assalam-o-alaikum!I am reading Ubqari magazine for the last nine years continuously. I have found many special secrets through this magazine from which my relatives, family, acquaintances have benefited a lot. I have a few familial secrets that we are testing for years. And we find them useful. I am presenting them to the readers of Ubqari.

Prescription for Pimples: ھو الشافی: Zaraishak 20 grams, gul gaao zabaan, 20 grams, gul neelofar, 20 grams, tarphalla, 20 grams, faulaad patri, 20 grams, Noshaadar thakri, 20 grams, majaisath, 20 grams, taiz paat, 20 grams.

For Winters: Abraisham white, 20 gm, white sandal, 20 gm, gaozabaan, 20 gm, taatri (sat leemoun), 20 grams, aab anaar, 250 grams, aab kino, 250 grams, aab saib, 250 grams. If you don't find aab kino, you can use the juice of watermelon.

Recipe: Extract the pulp of all the herbs and mix all the waters in it and mix 750 grams of sugar in it and prepare a sherbet. Put taatri (sat leemoun) while preparing the sherbet. The sherbet is ready.

Functions and Usage: In the morning and in the evening. Take one tablespoon once in the morning and once at the time of Asr prayers in the evening. By the will of Allah it will be beneficial.

The women who develop pimples on the face due to shortage of blood, and the women who have plenty of menstruation, they also become victims of shortage of blood., due to which stains of of pimples develop on the face. Many such women used this prescription, they benefited a lot, and their faces became clean. Use this prescription for at least two months. This is a permanent cure. If stains do not remove from the face, then use a cream. Within ten days the stains will remove. Many patients used it who healed.

Mottles of the Face Vanished in Ten Days

Take one packet of Stillman's bleach cream, one small green Betnovate, zafraan one ratti (0.2 grams), rose extract, 2 tablespoons, maghaz baadaam American, 5 slices. Put one spoon of ubtan. Put it in a refrigerator in warm weather. And apply it daily on the face at night and sleep. Insha’Allah within ten days all of the pimples on the face will vanish. And they will never happen again.

Note: If due to the problem of menstruation pimples have appeared, then try to cure your menstruation first. Do not use colorful creams on the face. Do not ruin your face. This prescription is presented for you. Remember in prayers upon getting well. If the face has to be cleaned, then the prescription of ubtan is also presented for you.

The Unanswerable Prescription of Ubtan: ھو الشافی: barley, 500 gm. Orange skin, 50 gm. Lemon peel, 50 gm. Kachoor, 50 gm. Turmeric powder, 50 gm. Gul Kaisu, 50 gm. Maghaz Badaam, 100 gm. Sandal safaid assal, 50 gm. Zafraan, 5 gm. Husn-e-Yousaf, 25 gm. Tukhm shalgham, 25 gm. Daal channa kacha, 50 gm. Gul surakh Irani, 25 gm. Tukhm Baaqila, 25 gm. Khashkhaash, 25 gm. Mix all things to make paste and use on face  at night 2 hours before sleeping and rinse face when it gets dry.

Matchless tip for the diseases of male and female

Mehbeth 250 grams, sapari ka'ati 100 grams, make them in powder form, take choharry 250 grams, and sock in water, and take out the seed and make small pieces.Cook all these three things in 5 KG milk and make a kind of paste. take mong 50 grams, goundh keekar 100 gram, Nishasta Wheat 100 grams, cows ghee half KG, grind all three things and make powder then fry them into Ghee, take 250 grams almonds and make their powder, and mix it with this later, make (qawam) of 5 KG sugar, bakhra 250 grams, kamarkas 100 grams, giri baradha 100 grams, dar cheeni, 25 grams, sahlab misri25 grams, cloves 25 grams, cardamom 25 grams, sund 25 grams, gul pista 10 gram, phali sapari 10 grams, jaifal 10 gram make powder of all these things, then add in the paste of sugar the paste which is prepared first of all and then add the fried almonds' powder and then all the other things in it, then add the saffron 2 grams, rose water 120 gram, now the mahjoon is ready,

Direction to use: eat one teaspoon with the milk in morning and evening before eating anything, thousands patients are blessed with health By Allah Kareem with this mahjoon,its beneficial of any type of Likoria either its Yellow or white.

Fat belly and stomach's all disorders'd end

Two tips are here

This reduces the big belly and good for gas; this is the tip, asarwan 140 gram, aod lakar, 300 gram, Daar cheeni, 300 gram, jaifal, 300 gram, taj 300 gram. magaa 300 gram. caramom 300 gram, jar pan 300 gram, sugar 3 kg, honey 7 KG , cook the paste of sugar by adding water in it and then add the honey in it. then add the powder of all other things and make the mahjoon. eat one teaspoon in morning and one in evening, Insha’Allah it will be very much beneficial.

Jowarish Basbasa , jalwatrri, 120 grams, taj 120 grams, cardamom 120 grams, sund 120 grams, magaa 120 grams, cinnamon 120, karro 120 grams, cloves 18, black pepper 200 grams, ilaichi kalan 500 grams, sugar and honey 2 and a half KG each. By making the powder of all these things a mahjoon will be prepared. make both the tips, if there is acidity in stomach then do not eat Jowarish basbasa, if the acidity is due to food then stop eating it and eat both later when it ends. It reduces the belly and stomach's distortion due to gas will also be recovered. Fatness of many men and women has come to and by eating this makes the body active. 

Proven tip for itching:

Gandak amla sar 10 gram, Para 10 gram, kharal.... both, murda sing 10 gram, gairo 10 gram, kamaila 10 gram, neela thotha 10 gram, white kashgari 10 gram, hinna leaves 10, make the powder of all these things and mix this in the oil of coconut and then massage the whole body with it, and the take bath with the joshanda of neem. Allama Noor Ahmad Qasmi use to make it and they gave me and then Allah gave health to those patients who had left the hope from doctors.

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